Shipping Policy presently offering cash on delivery & Razor pay payment option for any orders. The same would be updated as and when we make changes in this policy.

SHIPPING & DELIVERY provides FREE Delivery in most of the locations for all products sold on to your beneficiary address within Gujarat/Rajasthan/Madhyapradesh/Delhi/Maharashtra State limits only. (Kindly check Pin Code for Delivery Serviceable Area).

However, in some products, cases or locations, you may have to pay additional shipping charge. The same is mentioned at the time of booking the order and entering the pin code, before proceeding for final payment.

Delivery time would be minimum 3 business days( excluding Sundays & Public Holidays ) from the day your order booking and payment is completed on There may be delay in the delivery is due to stock unavailability or some technical issues that will not considered in the shipment date/days. The day of booking your order & making payment is taken as day 0. maximum days to be deliver any product will be 8 business days.


Once the order is booked & online payment is completed ,  will endeavour to deliver your product in the stipulated delivery time to your beneficiary address.

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